795 mdl
No contract required
- Detailed Scoring Report200 MDL
- Financial Report350 MDL
- Data - Public Services Agency100 MDL
- IBAN Code List25 MDL
- Judicial Enforcement Bailiff Report120 MDL
150 mdl
2 - 3 checks monthly
- Detailed Scoring Report180 MDL
- Financial Report120 MDL
- Data - Public Services Agency40 MDL
- IBAN Code List10 MDL
- Company tree30 MDL
- Credit Report200 MDL
- Judicial Enforcement Bailiff Report50 MDL
1500 mdl
Up to 10 checks monthly
- Detailed Scoring Report150 MDL
- Financial Report60 MDL
- Data - Public Services Agency30 MDL
- IBAN Code List5 MDL
- Company tree25 MDL
- Credit Report150 MDL
- Judicial Enforcement Bailiff Report30 MDL
SMART 2025
2500 mdl
Over 10 checks per month
- Detailed Scoring Report120 MDL
- Financial Report40 MDL
- Data - Public Services Agency25 MDL
- IBAN Code List5 MDL
- Company tree20 MDL
- Credit Report120 MDL
- Judicial Enforcement Bailiff Report20 MDL
Services description
- The financial report of a company includes the financial balance sheet of the company that has been submitted to the National Bureau of Statistics
- A company's Business Scoring InfoBIZ gives an overview of the company's financial performance as well as the risk zone it is in.
- Data-Public Service Agency includes official information from PHA records, such as: data on arrears to the state budget; general data; address and contact details; director/founder data; data on business reorganization; data on licensed and unlicensed activities; data on real estate owned; data on transportation owned;
- A company's IBAN code list includes current and historical IBAN codes.
- The company tree shows a company's founders' and/or directors' links to other businesses.
- A company's Credit Report includes data on current and historical financial commitments, payment discipline, cumulative data from other public and private databases.
- A company's UNEJ (National Union of Enforcement Officers) report contains complete information on enforceable titles.